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EPA-Compliant Chromate for Al, Mg & Zn Parts

Environmentally friendly trivalent chromium is now a proven, economical alternative to hexavalent chromium coatings. It offers high corrosion resistance for CWM Al, Mg, and Zn die castings in a range of applications.

With a bright, cosmetically pleasing finish, this alternative combined conversion-functional coating meets stricter commercial and U.S. and European Union environmental mandates, avoiding the concerns with prohibited products using toxic hexavalent chromates.

Results of tests to ASTM standards demonstrate salt-spray protection for up to 168 hours on Aluminum alloy 380.

For a printed CWM “Tech Brief” on the latest information regarding Trivalent Chromium coating for die castings, contact your CWM Regional Sales-Engineering Representative or the CWM Sales Dept.

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