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CWM Recycling Stats – July 2024

In July, CWM sent the following materials to Imperial Recycling for recycling:

  • 2,315 lbs. of cardboard
  • 97 lbs. of paper
  • 335 lbs. of plastic
  • 2,723 lbs. of wood

Additionally, our partner Groot collected mixed recyclables, including approximately 705 pounds of cans, bottles, plastic bottles, and paper, from various locations around the facility. We also recycled 20 pounds of styrofoam and 177 pounds of electronics.

In total, CWM diverted 6,372 pounds of recyclable material away from landfills in July 2024!

Deep Dive: CWM’s Recycling Efforts in 2023

At CWM, our unwavering dedication to sustainability is not just a part of our identity; it’s the core of who we are. In addition to our monthly updates on recycling efforts, which we post on our blog, we also want to highlight other goals demonstrating our steadfast commitment to this cause.

Together with our partners and stakeholders, we’re paving the way towards a sustainable tomorrow. This collective effort makes CWM a true ‘Green Biz Leader ‘. Let’s look at some of the metrics that we’ve achieved together.

  • Energy Usage: Each year, we’re making significant strides in reducing the electricity and natural gas we use. We’re currently in year 4 of a 5-year goal to reduce our energy consumption by 5%, and we’re on track to accomplish our goal. This progress gives us hope for a more sustainable future.
  • Die Lubrication: The die casting process requires the application of a chemical lubricant on the die with each cycle of the tool. CWM set a goal to use less die lubricant each year due to the total number of pounds of aluminum processed. When we initiated this goal in 2003, we processed 207 lbs. of aluminum per gallon of die lubricant. Twenty years later, our goal was 1,200 lbs. of aluminum processed per gallon of die lubricant used—and we’re proud to say we achieved our goal.
  • Wastewater: CWM has set a goal to reduce wastewater and generate less than 9.43 gallons of wastewater per hundred pounds of aluminum shipped. Back in 2012, for example, we generated just over 18 gallons of wastewater per hundred pounds of aluminum shipped.  In 2023, we only generated 5.5 gallons of wastewater per hundred pounds of aluminum shipped.
  • Copy Paper: Like many companies, CWM consumes hundreds of thousands of pieces of paper each year for creating reports, shipping documents, invoices, purchase orders, training records, etc. In 2013, we used 651,000 pieces of paper and aimed to reduce that usage by 30% over five years. We met that goal in 2018 and created a new goal to reduce the usage by 25% over the next five years. In 2023, we surpassed our goal by only using 242,116 pieces of copy paper when the target to meet was 298,403 pieces of copy paper.
  • Electronics: In 2023, we recycled 100% of the toner cartridges used and achieved our goal of repurposing computer systems. CWM also aims to recycle/repurpose at least five computer systems annually — that goal was also achieved in 2023.
  • Environmental Partnerships: Collaborating with environmental suppliers is integral to reducing our carbon footprint. We work closely with companies such as Groot Recycling for waste hauling, Hazchem Environmental Corp. for wastewater management, and other reputable waste removal firms for various recycling needs.

As we reflect on our major environmental initiatives for all of 2023, it’s evident that Chicago White Metal has made significant strides toward reducing our ecological footprint. Our commitment to sustainability is not just a matter of corporate responsibility; it’s ingrained in our culture and operations.

Looking ahead, CWM is dedicated to environmental sustainability and continuous improvement. We recognize that our journey toward a greener future is ongoing, and we’re committed to exploring innovative solutions and setting ambitious goals to reduce our environmental footprint further. Together, we can make a tangible difference in protecting our planet for future generations.

CWM Recycling Stats – June 2024

In June, CWM sent the following materials to Imperial Recycling for recycling:

  • 1,653 lbs. of cardboard
  • 61 lbs. of paper
  • 203 lbs. of plastic
  • 1,863 lbs. of wood

Additionally, our partner Groot collected mixed recyclables, including approximately 725 pounds of cans, bottles, plastic bottles, and paper, from various locations around the facility.

In total, CWM diverted 4,505 pounds of recyclable material away from landfills in June 2024!

CWM Recycling Stats – May 2024

In May, CWM sent the following materials to Imperial Recycling for recycling:

  • 1,187 lbs. of cardboard
  • 116 lbs. of paper
  • 215 lbs. of plastic
  • 2,417 lbs. of wood
  • 2,500 lbs. of concrete

Additionally, our partner Groot collected mixed recyclables, including approximately 795 pounds of cans, bottles, plastic bottles, and paper, from various locations around the facility.

In total, CWM diverted 7,230 pounds of recyclable material away from landfills in May 2024!

CWM Recycling Statistics – April 2024

In March, CWM recycled the following to Imperial Recycling:

  • 1,133 lbs. of cardboard
  • 86 lbs. of paper
  • 148 lbs. of plastic
  • 1,081 lbs. of wood
  • 170 lbs. of electronics

Our partner Groot also picked up seven cubic yards of mixed recyclables in March – including roughly 719 pounds of cans, bottles, plastic bottles, paper, etc. collected from around the facility.

CWM was able to divert a combined total of 3,337 pounds of recyclable material away from landfills in March 2024!

CWM Recycling Stats – March 2024

In March 2024, CWM recycled the following to Imperial Recycling:

  • 1,294 lbs. of Cardboard
  • 164 lbs. of Plastic
  • 50 lbs. of Paper
  • 1,227 lbs. of Wood
  • 373lbs. of Bulbs/Pieces

Local recycler Groot also picked up roughly 797 pounds of mixed recyclables, including cans, bottles, plastic bottles, newspapers, etc., from our blue barrels throughout the facility.

In total for the month of March, CWM was able to divert a total of 3,905 pounds of recyclable waste from landfills!

CWM Recycling Stats – February 2024

In February 2024, CWM recycled the following to Imperial Recycling:

  • 1,035 lbs. of Cardboard
  • 157 lbs. of Plastic
  • 82 lbs. of Paper
  • 884 lbs. of Wood
  • 27 lbs. of Styrofoam

Local recycler Groot also picked up roughly 850 pounds of mixed recyclables, including cans, bottles, plastic bottles, newspapers, etc., from our blue barrels throughout the facility.

In total for the month of February, CWM was able to divert a total of 3,032 pounds of recyclable waste from landfills!

CWM Recycling Stats – January 2024

In January 2024, CWM recycled the following to Imperial Recycling:

  • 1,153 lbs. of Cardboard
  • 320 lbs. of Plastic
  • 43 lbs. of Paper
  • 2,342 lbs. of Wood
  • 427 lbs. of Electronics

Groot picked up roughly 454 pounds of mixed recyclables. This includes cans, bottles, plastic bottles, newspapers, etc., from our blue barrels throughout the facility.

In January 2024, CWM diverted 1,580 pounds of recyclable waste from our landfills! Check out our environmental practices page for stats from 2023, and 2024 YTD.

December Recycling Stats & 2023 Recap

In December 2023, CWM recycled the following to Imperial Recycling:

  • 1,297 lbs. of Cardboard
  • 199 lbs. of Plastic
  • 159 lbs. of Paper
  • 1,262 lbs. of Wood

Groot picked up roughly four cubic yards of mixed recyclables, including 425 pounds of cans, bottles, plastic bottles, newspapers, etc., from our blue barrels throughout the facility.

In December alone, we diverted 3,342 pounds of recyclable waste from our landfills!

2023 Recycling Statistics Recap

In 2023, CWM recycled the following impressive totals:

  • 18,775 lbs. of Cardboard
  • 2,373 lbs. of Plastic
  • 1,874 lbs. of Paper
  • 22,385 lbs. of Wood
  • 76 lbs. of Styrofoam

We also recycled over 8,000 pounds of mixed recyclables to Groot. CWM’s impressive 2023 total diverted from our landfills is 53,528 pounds. At CWM, we are extremely proud of this accomplishment! Learn more about our Environmental Practices here.  

CWM Recycling Stats – November 2023

In November, CWM recycled the following to Imperial Recycling:

  • 1,821 lbs. of cardboard
  • 179 lbs. of plastic
  • 102 lbs. of paper
  • 2,495 lbs. of wood

Groot Recycling also collected roughly four cubic yards of mixed recyclables, including 425 pounds of cans, bottles, plastic bottles, newspapers, etc., deposited in our blue barrels around the plant.

This month, CWM also took around 36 pounds of batteries to be recycled at the local Home Depot, along with 2.5 lbs. of Lithium batteries and one pound of button batteries that were taken to Batteries+ for recycling.

For November, we have diverted 5,061.5 pounds from our landfills. This is a wonderful accomplishment for CWM; learn more about our environmental practices here.