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New Report on OEM Sourcing’s Return to U.S.

The North American Die Casting Assn. (NADCA) has released a seven-page white paper on the resurgence of manufacturing sourcing to U.S. suppliers, as reported in major consulting firm studies and industry and business publications. The overview cites examples of “onshoring” from Fortune 500 companies to smaller manufacturers producing toys.

The review notes North American custom die casters are participating in this trend, with nearly a quarter of NADCA members reporting new gains from die casting projects previously sourced offshore. Factors responsible for recent OEM decisions to return to U.S. suppliers, a trend expected to continue, are discussed in detail.

This latest NADCA report updates the research study, “Hidden Costs of Offshore Sourcing,” which NADCA conducted in conjunction with the U.S. Dept. of Commerce in 2004.

The new White Paper is available here in PDF format for immediate download.

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